I’ve spent a lot of time working with monoliths. I’ve also looked into using microservices, which can be complicated. Recently, I learned about modular monoliths, and they really impressed me. So, I decided to write this article to explain the differences between these three options, in a simple way that anyone can understand.
Why Modular Monoliths Matter
Modular monoliths are like organized toolkits within a single, well-structured box. They keep things simple, just like monoliths, but they also handle the challenges that can come with big, all-in-one software. This makes them a good choice for lots of different projects.
The Purpose of This Article
I wrote this article to show you the basics of modular monoliths and how they’re different from monoliths or microservices. If you’re new to modular monoliths, this is a good starting point for you.
What to Expect
In the next part, we’ll talk about the main differences between Monoliths, Modular Monoliths, and Microservices. We’ll also see when to use each of them.
Monoliths, Modular Monoliths, and Microservices: Simple Comparison
Before we get into modular monoliths, let’s look at the bigger picture. We’ll see how one big software piece, many small software pieces, and modular monoliths are different.
Monolithic Applications
In the past, monolithic software was the most common choice. It’s like having one big tool that does everything. It’s simple to make and use, but it has some problems. When it gets bigger, it can slow down and become harder to manage.
Microservices Architecture
On the other end, microservices architecture is a more recent approach. It advocates breaking down applications into small, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled individually. This approach offers excellent scalability and isolation of concerns but introduces increased operational complexity.
Modular Monoliths: The Best of Both Worlds
In the middle of these extremes lies the concept of a modular monolith. A modular monolith maintains a single codebase, like a monolith, but organizes the code into distinct modules, each encapsulating a specific domain or functionality. This modular structure provides the advantages of simplified development and a manageable codebase while allowing for more straightforward scalability compared to a traditional monolith.
Key Differences at a Glance
- Monolithic Applications: Single, large codebase. Limited scalability and complexity management.
- Microservices: Small, independent services. Excellent scalability and isolation of concerns.
- Modular Monoliths: Single codebase with modular structure. Balance between simplicity and scalability.
Modular monoliths are a great choice for many projects because they’re simple, but they can also handle more work when needed.
That wraps up our journey through the differences between the three options. We’ve seen that modular monoliths are a smart choice for many projects because they’re not too big and not too small. Understanding these options is important when deciding how to build your software, whether it’s a new project or an existing one.